Researchers who investigate potential care for Covid-19 have turned into a mathematical model and computer simulation to open new borders in drug trials. Scientists use computer models to simulate Covid-19 infection at the cell level, which is a structural level of the human body. The new virtual model allows researchers to conduct virtual trials for various drugs and vaccines, allowing pre-assessment of drug efficacy and vaccines against viruses.
Researchers from Waterloo University are conducting experiments “in Silico” to replicate how the human immune system is against the Covid-19 virus. The term “in silico” refers to the trial conducted on silicon computer chips rather than the “In Vitro” or “in vivo” meeting in each test tube or in living organisms.
The researchers are clear that they do not believe in silico trials must or can replace clinical trials. Professor Anita Layton said the model was a simplification that could help narrow medicine to be used in clinical trials. Layton noted that clinical trials are very expensive and can lead to human death. Utilizing the model, researchers can narrow medicinal candidates with the best for salvation and efficacy.
The team of scientists is one of the first groups working on these special models and capturing different treatments used in Covid-19 patients in clinical trials. The results they get using virtual trials are consistent with Lab data on Covid-19 infection and care.
One example given by the group is the use of remedies of treatment with its simulation. Remdesivir is a drug used in humans. Simulation and direct trial shows the drug is biologically effective but clinically questionable unless managed very long after viral infection. New tools are seen as benefits in fighting viruses in the future because they are expected to continue mutate, potentially leading to new infections.