Joe Biden asks question on wildfires, White House cuts livestream mid-sentence

Joe Biden asks question on wildfires, White House cuts livestream mid-sentence

The White House has so far not responded to this problem but this is not the first time something like that happened. Livestream was interrupted last month when the US President will answer the reporter’s question about the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

The White House suddenly cut the speech of US President Joe Biden in Idaho, where he met officials to discuss forest fires that had damaged the United States. The incident occurred when Biden asked questions to the audience member.

That person is George Geissler from the National Association of State Foresters.

“Can I ask a question?” Biden asked.

“Of course,” Geissler answered.

“One of the things I have done with some others is …” The US president only spoke as much as this when the feed was cut and replaced with a message “Thank you for joining”.

Clips posted on Twitter by the Republican National Committee.

Biden: “Can I ask a question?”

The White House has so far not responded to this problem.

This is not the first time something like that happened with a 78-year-old US president. Livestrem was cut off last month when Biden would answer the reporter’s question about the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

In March, Biden attended the Democratic Party and said he was “happy to answer” when feed was cut, Fox News reported.

Buzz around the sudden end of the president’s speech gets the attraction because Politico brought a report last week which quoted White Building staff said that they “set up” Biden comments about fears that he would turn from the ranks of the agenda prepared by his office.

Meanwhile, the US President used his visit to Idaho and other Western countries to hold forest fires that were burned throughout the region as an argument for the plan to rebuild $ 3.5 trillion. He called a fire throughout the year and other extreme weather, the reality of climate change, the nation could no longer ignore.

“We cannot ignore the fact that these forest fires are faced by climate change,” Biden said, noting that the weather of the disaster did not attack based on partisan ideology. “It’s not about red or blue conditions. It’s about fire. Only fire.”

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